This yummy Frosted Sugar Cookie Popcorn has all of the flavor and comfort without all of the hassle of cookie baking!!
It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas!!! Where? In my home!!! Looking for a delicious way to celebrate your tree trimming parties??? Well, I have a yummy treat to share. This Frosted Sugar Cookie Popcorn is one of the best treats ever! It seriously only takes about 5 minutes to put this easy treat together, so it could also be a perfect gift to give to the “foodie” in your life during the Christmas season? We’re big SkinnyPop fans in this house and I wanted to put a Christmas spin on their delightful popcorn.
Who doesn’t love frosted sugar cookies with sprinkles?!?!?! Sprinkles make everything right in the world in my opinion. 🙂 They have a way of making everyone smile, right? Ok. So no there aren’t any actual cookies in this Frosted Sugar Cookie Popcorn but it sure tastes like it and the sprinkles just make it seem so real. This treat could also be enjoyed with my super popular comforting Sugar Cookie White Hot Chocolate if you’re really into the sugar cookie thing like me!! And if you’re just a plain ole cookie fan, be sure to check out my Chunky Chocolate Walnut Cookie and my Salted Caramel and Chocolate Cookie as well. I’ve just been in a cookie kinda mood because I have one more cookie coming at you this week, Turtle Thumbprints. Super yum and I just can’t wait to share them!!
So this skinny popcorn may not be so Skinny after this spin but at least you have a good foundation. Lol!! SkinnyPop is a non-GMO, gluten free, naturally flavored popcorn and we enjoy it often while watching movie flicks. Sometimes I even wish the movie theaters would start offering SkinnyPop because it’s a healthier option without compromising flavor. Speaking of a good foundation…God’s Word says, “ for no one can lay a foundation other than the one which is [already] laid, which is Jesus Christ.”. —1 Corinthians 3:11 (AMP). Hallelujah! I am so thankful that I am an heir of God’s grace and His unmerited favor. Say Grace and enjoy!!

Frosted Sugar Cookie Popcorn
- 10 cups Skinny Pop
- 8 oz. 4 cubes Vanilla Candy Coating (Almond Bark)
- Red and Green Sprinkles
- Melt candy coating cubes in 15 second intervals in the microwave.
- Pour popcorn onto large cookie sheet.
- Pour melted candy coating and sprinkles over popcorn and toss to coat well. Say Grace and enjoy!
These Pop corns looks great and they are yummy to taste.
Aww! Thanks a bunch!! 🙂